Thursday, February 14, 2013

My poster will be for the band The Mellow Knights and their Sleepy Daze tour.

I have the idea of a knight in his armor lounging in a hammock on the beach sipping a drink. Originally I thought of Moon over Camelot, but changed my mind.

This is the same idea, with more elements and from a different perspective. The knight has his lance and surfboard stuck into the sand on the beach.

This one has the knight on a large chessboard chillin in a chair with a drink. Simpler.

The simplest yet, just a knight on his horse with the scene split between night and day.

1 comment:

  1. Chris,
    Love your concept of the “Mellow Knights” – the Sleepy Daze Tour, with all the snow we have been getting in central NY the thought of a beautiful night on a beach in a hammock is just what I need!
    Maybe you can incorporate the first two sketches together? The knight could be in the hammock with his armor on the sand next to him? Maybe you could say: featuring their hit song “Moon Over Camelot”?
    Like how your design is inspired by a medieval theme. Have you given your type any thoughts, maybe “Charlemagne Std.”?
